How Many Great Reviews Does It Take to Undo the Damage of 1 Negative Review?

Did you know 90% of customers read reviews before visiting a business? This is one of the many reasons why there’s a correlation between positive reviews and increased sales.

Every business strives to do well. Savvy business owners know their customers are the lifeblood of their success. But even the most reputable brands receive a bad review every now and then.

There are ways to combat bad reviews and turn a dissatisfied customer into a happy one. But have you thought about the ratio between good and bad reviews?

How many great reviews do you need to combat a bad review? The answer is more complex than you think. Here’s what you need to know.

Statistics That Prove Great Reviews Are Essential

Do positive reviews really correlate with the success of your brand? Before you understand the ideal ratio between good and bad reviews, here are statistics that prove the power of a positive brand reputation.

  • 84% of people trust online reviews as much as they trust their family and friends
  • Online reviews impact 67.7% of purchasing decisions
  • Each one-star increase on your Yelp review results in a 5 to 9% revenue increase
  • 74% of customers trust a local business more that has positive reviews
  • 82% of Yelp users use the website because they’re looking to buy products

These statistics prove customer acquisition and retainment start online.

The Benefits of Positive Reviews

Positive reviews help increase your customer’s trust in your business and bring more sales. But these aren’t the only benefits you’ll receive. Here’s why brand management should be a core duty.

Improves Your Reputation

Have you overheard someone saying something bad about a business and you made a mental note to never support that business? This is an example of a factor that affects your business reputation.

Fortunately, online reviews help to improve your business reputation with little effort and money on your end.

Increased Sales

Yes, this should be a given. But positive reviews give potential customers the trust to support your business.

Company and Product Validation for Investors

Good reviews aren’t only beneficial for customers. Potential investors will also read your reviews before investing in your company.

They want to be sure they’re making a wise investment and are sourcing information about your company and products from those who matter most — your customers.

Easy Marketing

Similarly to word-of-mouth marketing, online reviews help spread the word about your business without effort on your end.

Review engines such as Yelp, Google, and Facebook make discovering your brand easy. Potential customers only have to type relevant search terms and filter through the results with the best reviews.

Great Promotional Material

Did you find an exceptional review? Display it on your website. Do you have a five-star rating? Emphasize this on your website and social media.

Positive reviews are great promotional material examples that can be used across all of your channels.

How Many Positive Reviews Can Undo the Damage of One Bad Review?

Here’s the answer you’re waiting for — how many positive reviews can undermine a bad review? The secret lies in this hidden ratio that can make or break your brand’s online reputation.

It takes 40 positive reviews to undo the damage of one negative review. This is because:

  • Only one in 10 happy customers leave a review
  • An unhappy customer will leave a review over a happy customer
  • Good reviews can vary between four- and five-star ratings
  • Your overall rating reflects a combination of good and bad reviews

Unfortunately, bad reviews are inevitable. But 40 seems like a steep number, right? This is why you shouldn’t stress if you get a bad review.

What Should You Do If You Get a Bad Review?

Have you heard this piece of relationship advice — “don’t go to bed angry?” The same applies to your reviews. If you receive a bad review, focus on improving the situation rather than getting worked up.

How do you do this? Follow up with the customer. Many review platforms offer a way to directly respond to the review or to contact the reviewer. Provide a genuine apology. Try and resolve the issue.

Make it a point to know improving their experience is your utmost priority.

How to Focus on Customer Satisfaction

While it’s easy to let that one bad review burn you, you can’t ignore the new customers you have. Instead of focusing on the bad reviews, put your energy toward increasing customer satisfaction. Here are some tips to remember.

Start With Great Customer Service

Great customer service offers more than helpfulness and friendliness.

Your customer service has the power to define your brand. From compassion to effective communication and handling any misgivings, customer service is one of the most effective aspects of a company.

Customer service also proves the modernity of your brand. The modern customer is changing. That’s why it’s essential to give your customer service strategy regular makeovers.

Instead of creating an intense sales situation, provide education so your customer feels more secure about their purchase. Ensure reps are available on all communication formats.

This includes in-person, by phone, email, social media, and chatbot.

Product Quality

An underlooked quality of customer satisfaction is the overall quality of your products. Even if you have superb customer service, if your customers are unhappy with your products, they won’t be afraid to state their dissatisfaction.

If your customers know you release quality products, they will support your business, time and time again.

Manage Your Reviews Easily

Great reviews are the lifeblood of any business. While you’ll receive plenty of great reviews, a bad review will come creeping along.

It takes 40 positive reviews to undo the damage of a bad review. But don’t sweat — just follow up with the bad review and do what you can to improve customer satisfaction.

But keeping up with your reviews, and handling other business duties, is pretty difficult. How do you streamline the brand management process? Invest in brand management software. Here’s how it works.